Poker is a card game that requires some element of chance, but it becomes much more of a game of strategy and psychology when betting comes into play. In a poker game players put money into a pot voluntarily (except for initial forced bets), and they can call, raise or fold their hands. Each of these actions has a different expected value for the player, and the players make their decisions on the basis of probability and game theory.
To get started, players ante something (the amount varies by game, in our games it’s usually a nickel) to be dealt cards. Then, each player places bets into the pot in increments that are determined by their position at the table. The player with the highest hand at the end of the betting will win the pot.
Once the first round of betting is over the dealer deals three additional cards face up to the table, called the flop. This will allow everyone still in the hand to bet again.
At this stage in the hand you should be very wary of any pocket kings or queens, especially if there are a lot of high cards on the board. It’s also a good idea to watch how other players bet and raise in order to get a feel for the game. One of the most undervalued strategic tools in poker is table position, and it’s important to keep your eye on where you are seated at the table at all times.